Share the trail on your next adventure on the Hūnua Traverse

Trail Sharing is a platform which allows cyclists, trampers and trail runners to securely arrange their own transport to one way trails in New Zealand. The platform reduces logistical and financial barriers by allowing connecting users to mutually benefit each other in accessing the trail.

Users looking to complete a trail meet beforehand and exchange their vehicles before driving to the start of the trail. Users can then complete the trail to arrive back to their own vehicle in their own pace and can either return the borrowed keys when they meet on the trail or by using a lock box attached to their vehicles.

When arranging a trip on Trail Sharing your journey will follow the steps below:

  1. View the existing trips listed under the trail you are interested in completing,
  2. If there is a suitable trip already listed, connect with the other party (and skip to step 4),
  3. If there is not a suitable trip, list your intended journey and your requirements so another party can contact you,
  4. Once in contact with the other party, confirm the final details of your trip (exact meeting time and a location to swap vehicles which benefits you both),
  5. Meet on the exchange day and swap vehicles,
  6. Drive to your respective trail head (and lock the keys in a lock box attached to the vehicle if you have opted to use them),
  7. If you have opted to return keys on the trail, do so when you cross paths,
  8. Complete your journey in your own time and arrive back to your vehicle without the hassle of having to arrange transport back to the start.